Caren Rental User Manual

The Dashboard

656 views March 17, 2018 Support Admin 0

The dashboard is the landing page for all users when they log into the system. Various details and actions can be found on the dashboard.

The Dashboard is the landing page for all logged in users.


Quick links

  • Overview: Takes you to the Overview page under Fleet management
  • Reservations: Takes you to the Reservation page under Orders
  • Deliveries: Takes you to the Deliveries page to see list of pick-ups and drop-offs



Real-time badges

  • Total fleet: Number of vehicle units in your fleet
  • Rented: Number of vehicle unit rentals open at the present time
  • Returned: Number of vehicle units that have been returned and are not ready for next rental
  • Available: Number of vehicle units that are cleaned and ready for next rental
  • Out today: Number of vehicle units being picked up today
  • In today: Number of vehicle units being dropped off today
  • Unassigned: Number of reservations that don‘t have assigned vehicle units for the next 180 days

Real time badges


Check availability

  • Insert a date/time from and to and do a quick search to check for available vehicle classes and units for the given dates.

Check availability widget


  • Displays a list of pick-ups for today. The list is ordered by the next delivery time and you also get the reservation id, class name, assigned unit and location of the pickup. If it‘s a strikethrough row then the reservation has started and the vehicle unit already picked up. You can also click the reservation id to view the reservation.

Pickup list on the dashboard.


  • Displays a list of drop-offs for today. The list is ordered by the next return time and you also get the reservation id, class name, assigned unit and location of the pick-up. If it‘s a strikethrough row then the reservation has ended and the vehicle unit already dropped off. You can also click the reservation id to view the reservation.

Drop-off list on the dashboard


  • Displays a list of vehicle units that already should be returned based on the drop-off date for the reservation.

Overdue deliveries list


  • The number of reservations that have been made today. This only shows reservations and not requests.
  • The list is ordered so the newest reservation appears at the top.
  • The list shows reservation id, vehicle class name, the date range for the reservation, total price and time of reservation today.
  • If the row is red then there‘s less then 2 days until the pick-up for the reservation.

Reservations made today

Send broadcast email to active vehicles

  • By clicking the „Send Broadcast Email To Active Vehicles“ button you can send an email to all vehicle units that are active and rented out.
  • From: By default, this is the rental email from the rental settings. You can, however, set up a manual email if preferred.
  • To: Emails for all customers that have an active vehicle unit for a reservation that has been started. This list is automatic and you can‘t change it.
  • Additional emails: You can add more emails if needed.
  • Title: The subject of the email being sent.
  • Body: The content of the email.

Send broadcast email

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