A new version of Caren car rental system is scheduled for release tonight, Thursday the 25th of January at 23:00. The upgrade is scheduled to take up to 30 minutes and we will try to keep downtime to a minimum. If you are expecting customers for pickup around 23:00 tonight, please make the necessary arrangements in advance by printing out rental agreements and the order status.
The new version which as the version number V-18-1 includes a couple of new features as well as bug fixes and improvements for developers and system administrators. A more detailed list is available below in the release notes.
We hope that you appreciate this update and if you run into any problems or bugs please report them to [email protected].
Release notes:
New Features
- [ZCAREN-37] – New column showing dropoff location in Deliveries > Branches view
- [ZCAREN-20] – Add creatorId column to reservationpayment table
- [ZCAREN-22] – Caren version number now displayed in Admin backend
- [ZCAREN-57] – Added alive check (ping) for API services
- [ZCAREN-50] – Added a visual indicator on testing environment to show that you are on test
Bug Fixes
- [ZCAREN-13] – Search in maintenance not working
- [ZCAREN-28] – Error when opening services in maintenance module
- [ZCAREN-39] – Multiuser settings removed when a multiuser is edited
- [ZCAREN-41] – Unit order is corrupted when pagination is used in Fleet Manager Calendar
- [ZCAREN-48] – Error occurs when the account admin changes regular user to admin user
- [ZCAREN-49] – Error when sysadmin removes Web from insurance/extra/location
- [ZCAREN-54] – Undefined units in Unit drop-down on Orders
- [ZCAREN-60] – Agents access to Orders should not require access to Settings
- [ZCAREN-61] – User permissions not updated when changing User type from User to Agent and vice versa