Caren Rental System Release Notes


50 views August 13, 2018 September 26, 2018 carenis 0

Bug Fixes

  • [ZCAREN-247] – When reservation A is set on a unit that reservation B is using, reservation B is not always auto assigned to available unit.
  • [ZCAREN-255] – Error in SaveRelatedData, when unit is set on reservation that has maintenance
  • [ZCAREN-257] – If adding driver info to reservation fails the total price is not calculated correctly

New Features

  • [ZCAREN-237] – Add changes to reservation history when you change class/unit in Fleet management overview
  • [ZCAREN-243] – Log Employee code to history when order is deleted
  • [ZCAREN-209] – Keep original prices on orders when Extra/Insurance is added in Edit Order
  • [ZCAREN-214] – Show a warning if the user tries to move a Unit from an Order where the rental has already been started
  • [ZCAREN-220] – Add search box to finance report in Finance module
  • [ZCAREN-233] – Add payment option filter to finance page
  • [ZCAREN-236] – Allow set/change transactiondate on offline payments
  • [ZCAREN-249] – Add redirect from /dacoda-vehicle-api.html to /caren-vehicle-api.html
  • [ZCAREN-252] – Make rentalrervationId(#) colum a link to order listviews

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