Caren Rental System Release Notes


56 views August 31, 2018 September 26, 2018 carenis 0

Bug Fixes

  • [ZCAREN-251] – Go through error messages and error codes from Borgun
  • [ZCAREN-254] – “Not completed” mail is sent on all request but should only be sent on one of them if the customer email is the same.
  • [ZCAREN-263] – Error because of update ReservationVehicle in render function
  • [ZCAREN-278] – Error on edit offer when added new rewards line
  • [ZCAREN-281] – No unit is assigned when booked via API
  • [ZCAREN-282] – Get location price when location is changed on reservation edit
  • [ZCAREN-285] – If paymentoption or user is deleted, payments on reservation are missing info

New Features

  • [ZCAREN-147] – Create template: Create shortcode for images.
  • [ZCAREN-231] – Allow sorting in outstanding payments reports
  • [ZCAREN-259] – Filter Outstanding payments in Report
  • [ZCAREN-260] – Make transactiondate only date, not date and time, on offline payments, in frontend
  • [ZCAREN-264] – Templates can have images of a Class
  • [ZCAREN-286] – Make order search search in total price
  • [ZCAREN-226] – Session timer displayed when 5 minutes until session expires
  • [ZCAREN-246] – Only allow plain text in notes on reservation, also add the possibility to add photos to notes
  • [ZCAREN-253] – Make time minumum 20 and maximum 1440 in “Not Completed” mail template.
  • [ZCAREN-258] – Check availability on Add reservation via API endpoint
  • [ZCAREN-261] – Check if sharedlocation exist on rental in ap/reservation/add
  • [ZCAREN-262] – Log to reservation history if the unit is changed because of another reservation
  • [ZCAREN-267] – Features to prevent over-bookings
  • [ZCAREN-276] – Show availability clearly when adding a new reservation via the backend

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