Caren Rental System Release Notes


46 views October 22, 2018 November 14, 2018 carenis 0

A new version of Caren Rental was released on the 22nd of October 2018. This version includes some bug fixes and a wealth of new features to improve the system for longterm rental contracts. There is now a specific flag for longterm rental contracts on orders and a more detailed specs have been added to Units and Classes. An identification number field has been added for customers in the Order view i.e. for accounting purposes, and it is now possible to view a list of all Orders for a given customer in the customer area.

Also new in this version is the option to view the emails that have been sent to the customer in Mail history. It is now also possible to manually send any type of email template to the customer using the “Send other Mails” feature from the Action menu in the Order view including the Rental contract. This is an important feature in order to become a fully paperless car rental.

New Features
• [ZCAREN-241] – New features for Units / Class – Unit specs
• [ZCAREN-269] – When a rental is started the contract should be emailed to the customer.
• [ZCAREN-270] – Make email sent to customer available in Mail history
• [ZCAREN-271] – Flag class / unit as longterm rental unit
• [ZCAREN-272] – Next inspection date on units
• [ZCAREN-273] – Show Orders for a given customer
• [ZCAREN-274] – Support identification number for customers i.e. Kennitala
• [ZCAREN-275] – When an order is cloned from a previous order make note in the cloned order
• [ZCAREN-279] – Only allow plain text in notes on unit, also add the possible to add photo to note
• [ZCAREN-293] – Make class required on add/edit blockdate
• [ZCAREN-294] – Add “send other mails” under actions in reservation
• [ZCAREN-296] – Add displayname from offer to Caren API
• [ZCAREN-300] – Remove auto sign-out when session timerdialogueg is down to 0
• [ZCAREN-303] – Split up colums in custom report for locations extra info
• [ZCAREN-309] – Refactor reservation edit view
• [ZCAREN-310] – Add two years to expiration year on add payment dialog in reservation
• [ZCAREN-311] – Speed up Cleaning view
• [ZCAREN-280] – Add YTD(year to date) to date range picker in Caren

• [ZCAREN-217] – Cache is not cleared when offer is deleted
• [ZCAREN-219] – Reservation reports bug if filtered By Rental Date
• [ZCAREN-292] – Escape illegal characters in image upload
• [ZCAREN-295] – Bug in edit offer
• [ZCAREN-317] – Assigned web on insurances and extras is not checked when web is changed on add reservation

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