Caren Rental System Release Notes


105 views May 15, 2019 gudnym 0

A new version of Caren was released on 13th of may 2019.  The update includes new features for folios, the invoice preparation tool, as well as a new pricelist API for reseller webs. There are also a handful og bug fixes as usual.

New Features

  • Splitting items and payments between folios: Now it is possible to split items and payments from one folio to another existing folio or a new folio.
  • Deleting folios: New folios can now be deleted and any payments or items in the folio will be sent to the outstanding folio. Note that this is not the same as deleting invoices. Invoices can still not be deleted, only voided.
  • Improved price-list APIs for re-sellers: The improved API function allows online re-sellers to fetch price-lists directly from the system. To support this functionality offers will now be ignored for re-seller webs. The reason for this is that calculating multiple offers while fetching large price-lists multiple times a day generates an enormous load on the system, causing the whole system to slow down dramatically.
  • Payments can no longer be deleted: Payments can now only be refunded, not deleted. This was done for increased transparency on invoices created from folios.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed null currency bug in folio
  • Empty string now replaced with zero when modifying prices.
  • Corrected the calculations in the General tab of reservations.
  • Corrected the data shown in the fleet management overview.
  • Standardized the base url for DK connections to Caren.
  • Fixed invoice creation from outstanding folio.

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