Caren Rental System Release Notes


216 views September 11, 2019 September 12, 2019 gudnym 4

Version 19-8 of the Caren rental goes live on the 13th of September 2019.

This release focuses on small improvements and bug fixes across the system. The most noticeable change is for administrators working with the template engine.

We have also added a new functionality to our API with the new /RentalApi/ endpoints. These new endpoints make it possible for rentals to access unit data. We will keep adding endpoints to the RentalApi branch down the line.

New Features

  • Template engine changes:
    • Added optional conditions for the Confirmation Mail, Reminder Mail and Follow-Up Mail templates.
      The conditions are Pick-up Location, Drop-off Location and Class. Only reservations that match the set conditions will receive the email from the template.
      NOTE: You can only add conditions to existing templates, not when creating a new template. To add conditions to a new template, save the template type, body and name first, then edit and add conditions.
    • Changed the layout of the template engine. The template settings, conditions and body are now in separate tabs, giving more space to work on the body of the template.
  • New vehicle utilization report. This new report shows how many hours and days any given vehicle was rented out for. The new report can be found under the Items report category.

Bug fixes

  • Seasons can no longer overlap. In the past if two seasons overlapped the higher price was used.
  • It is now possible to set the amount to 0 when storing a virtual card.
  • It is now possible to deactivate a class with future requests. Only reservations should stop class deactivation.
  • Fixed a bug in the maintenance section where the “Service” table only showed Oil Change entries by default.
  • Unassigned reservations now show up in the fleet management overview even if there are no units in the class.
  • Units are now properly removed from future reservations if the unit is deactivated or moved to a different class.
  • Fixed the behavior of coupon codes when manually added to reservations in Caren.

API updates

  • Added a new branch to the Caren API,
    • Added the following endpoints
      • {{base-url}}/rentalapi/unit/getlist/
      • {{base-url}}/rentalapi/unit/getitem/
      • {{base-url}}/rentalapi/branch/getlist/
      • {{base-url}}/rentalapi/user/login/
      • {{base-url}}/rentalapi/user/logout/
    • The API key for RentalApi is tied to rentals, not webs. Account admins can acces the Rental API key in the Rental Settings. RentalApi behaves the same as VehicleApi in all other regards.
  • Added new parameters, paymentType and StatusText to the /vehicleapi/reservation/getitem/ response.
  • Fixed a bug where /vehicleapi/class/getavailableids/ was returning availability despite there being no price for the class.

For the detailed API documentation, visit

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