Version 20-7 of the Caren rental system is live as of the 23rd of October 2020.
- Added indicators for comments on reservations.
- Icons with tooltips added to all reservation views
- Added balance column to the Dashboard and Deliveries view
- Improvements to Folios, Invoicing and sending invoices to the DK accounting system.
- Added a field for sending a separate payment type to DK for refunds
Invoices and folios for cancelled reservations now hidden by default.
- Fixed a bug where folio dates were not updated properly when reservation was edited.
- Implemented an updated payment module from Dacoda, support for 3D secure payments for Borgun should now work properly.
- Added new field for tire sizes
- Added new tire type, “Year-round”
- Added new endpoint to the rental API to get reservations by license plate
You can find our API documentation here: