Caren Rental System Release Notes


171 views September 23, 2021 September 23, 2021 sindrig 3

This release is focused on providing some long overdue quality of life improvements to the user interface of Caren.

User interface changes

  • Added customer first name and last name to the reservation header so it’s easier to see the customer name at a glance.
  • Dashboard changes
    • Added customer lastname to pick-up, drop-off and overdue tables
    • Cleaned up the comment icons
    • Completed pick-ups and drop-offs are now hidden by default to keep the dashboard cleaner. Added a “show completed” toggle to show completed pick-ups and drop-offs
    • Added a checkmark icon to indicate reservations that have completed an online check-in
  • Renamed the “Number of Passengers” field to “Group size”. This was causing some confusion as to whether the driver was included in this number so we changed this.
  • In the reservation card we are now hiding the checkboxes for extras and insurances that are not assigned to the class instead of just disabling them.
  • Added “date to” to the pick-up view under deliveries


New Features

  • Added a new shortcode [CUSTOMER_ID] for use in email templates. This shortcode pulls data from the “Identification Number” field in the customer info section.
  • Added a textbox for “reference” when adding a refund. Now you can add the refund reason as a refrence to the payment.
  • Added a new offer condition for affiliates. Now it’s possible to assign a discount to a specific affiliate. Below is an example of an offer that applies a 15% discount to the vehicle on bookings from the affiliate “Test Affiliate”

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with multi-users where changes were not being logged on the short coded user but the multi-user itself
  • Fixed a bug where insurances not assigned to the current class were selectable
  • Fixed a bug with causing inconsistent availability on Guide to Iceland

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